10 Places You Might Actually Encounter Bigfoot

For hundreds of years, people all over the world have reported sightings of a hairy, bipedal giant in the wild. The creatures, or species, known as Sasquatch have been seen on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, they have been seen everywhere; not just the Pacific Northwest. With so many encounters, not all reports result in the assessment that these are simply passive, forest giants. Some reports are downright violent.

10. Salmon River, Idaho

 The infamous Bauman Story was relayed first-hand to President Teddy Roosevelt, and ultimately penned in his book The Wilderness Hunter. A well-known “Idaho Horror Story,” the story of Bauman, a Jeremiah Johnson-like, German born woodsman, and his unfortunate companion continues to terrify adventurers to this day.
The two trappers pursued beaver along the Salmon River with sparse luck. Searching for an uncharted surplus, the men entered a remote pass with “an evil reputation.” A year prior, a hunter’s half-eaten body was discovered among massive man-like footprints. Aware of, yet disregarding that detail, Bauman and his partner set up camp several miles into the dense wilderness. The next three nights they were increasingly terrorized by a massive, two-legged phantom with a foul-odor that uttered “sinister sounds.” Bauman left his companion for a short time to collect their beaver in the nearby stream. Upon returning he discovered his partner’s dead body with fresh fang marks. His neck had been snapped. Needless to say, Bauman dashed away and never returned.

9. The Otay Mountains (Mexico/California Border)

The Otay Mountains are an unforgiving, remote, and mysterious place. A popular thru-way for thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants, the harsh mountains are shrouded in decades of violence and paranormal events. Beyond reputable tales of faceless ghosts and crashed phantom pilots, retired U.S./Mexico border patrol agent Rocky Elmore reports compelling Sasquatch activity on the border.
Rocky waited until retirement to write his book detailing 20 years of supernatural phenomena, admitting there’s nothing now to lose by coming forward with these stories. His tales of border Bigfoot are backed by several sources. One foggy night tracking a group of illegal Mexicans along a tributary of the Otay River, a massive splash sent chills down Rocky’s spine. The fog prevented a visual, but he felt the presence of something large and frightening. A pack of coyotes closer to the stream retreated past him, whimpering with tails tucked between their legs. He didn’t see the individual, but felt intense fear.Later that evening a frightened thermal scope operator admitted to seeing a large bipedal creature with a massive heat signature stalking two patrol agents. Completely unaware of the creature, the agents on foot were ordered to abandon the area immediately. The thermal scope operator frantically explained that a “large predator” had come within steps of them. Luckily the potential prey evacuated immediately, evading the phantom predator.

8. Mount St. Helens, Washington

With extensive lava tube caves, Mount St. Helens generally seems like a prime place where Bigfoot could live. After the 1981 eruption, people allegedly witnessed emergency helicopters lifting massive, hairy corpses away from the mountainside. Such majestic, pronounced mountains seem to attract esoteric activity. The area is no stranger to mysterious events.
One of the most well known encounters with Sasquatch-like creatures took place in 1924 in a rugged gorge two miles east of Mount St. Helens. The event, now known popularly as “The Battle of Ape Canyon,” details five miners fighting off a group of “hairy apes” from their small cabin over the course of one long night.
Shrill whistles and thumping noised followed the men for their week-long gold prospecting expedition in the gorge. One early evening near a spring they encountered a seven-foot tall, hairy creature staring at them across a clearing. One of the men opened fire, missing. That night, the prowler and its friends seemingly followed them home. Throughout the entire night, a large group of hairy creatures pelted the rugged cabin with rocks and banged on the walls. One even thrust its arm inside and grabbed an ax!
In the morning, the shaken men immediately left the area, never to return.

7. Bluff Creek, California

On October 25, 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin recorded the most famous Bigfoot video of all-time. On horseback, the men traveled 25 miles southwest of Orleans, California to a tributary of the Klamath River. As the story goes, they rounded the bend in Bluff Creek and stumbled upon a giant discovery. Literally. Just past the snarling root structure of a fallen tree, the men laid eyes upon the creature both their lives would forever be intertwined with. A few hectic moments later, they recorded a jaw-dropping video that would forever leave the world stunned, polarized, and hungry for more.
Though the clip seems harmless, and helped spur the idea of a friendly forest giant, many don’t realize that the men were quite frightened. Their exhilaration tempered a bubbling fear, but the men admitted the creature looked quite agitated, displaying a noticeable look of “contempt and disgust” on its face. Later Gimlin would even admit that he feared the other two Bigfoot creatures he believed were waiting for them if they followed too close.
Years later, an anecdote would surface about a man who was terrorized on a dirt road near Bluff Creek by a similar creature in 1952. That night, the man drove through a rainy Bear Valley towards the mouth of Bluff Creek. When he left the car to move a fallen piece of brush, an orangutan-like “ogre” with shaggy hair and long canine teeth charged him. It circled the man a few times, retreated suddenly, and came stampeding back at high speed. Shocked, the man leapt in his car and attempted to drive away as the creature clawed the car windows. Luckily, he was able to shoot off into the night, leaving the monster in rainy darkness.

6. The Everglades National Park, Florida

In the movies, they always warn you “don’t go in the swamps at night.” Well, at least the movies we love to watch. But besides shifty vipers and drooling gators, another muck-drenched predator is reported to occupy the Florida swamps: the Skunk Ape.
A bit more lithe, aggressive, and peculiar than the “average” Sasquatch (see Patterson-Gimlin film), the Skunk Ape is most known by its putrid stench. In these creepy cases, the pungent odor often precedes the encounter, offering a little notice to the witness.In an interview with Sasquatch Chronicles, a man named Dave recounts a night in the eastern Everglades with a friend and their pack of dogs. The hounds picked up a scent down the road and took off. A few minutes later they sprinted back in sheer panic. They leapt into the bed of the truck and refused to come out of their cages.
Dave investigated the area down the way and noticed an 8-foot-tall, dark shape with red-glowing eyes in the bush off the side of the road. He stomped his foot at the shadow. It screamed a “blood-curdling” scream. Dave shot it twice with his shotgun. Immediately after the shots, a huge uproar began in the tree-line. He admitted it sounded like two other beings rampaging through the foliage like a stampede of elephants, apparently frightened by the blasts.
Describing the figure, Chris said it looked like “a man in an extra large Ghillie suit with extra-long hair.” He even admitted that the faint detail observed eerily reminded him of a large orangutan-like creature that was photographed in a Myakka, Florida backyard in 1995.

5. Fouke, Arkansas

In 1972, the cult classic drive-in movie The Legend of Boggy Creek (which spawned a sequel, Boggy Creek II, that later became a Mystery Science Theater 3000 classic) introduced us to a sleepy southern town haunted by a foul-smelling monster. The Fouke Monster, or Boggy Creek Monster, is a legendary southern cryptid responsible for a series of aggressive 1971 encounters in and around Fouke, Arkansas. What many don’t realize is that these startling encounters never actually stopped.
The area around Fouke is remote and uninviting. The vast number of waterways, swamp land, dense timber, and soggy soil make development on most of the land completely improbable. One long, dark night in 1971 a pair of 7-foot tall apes emerged from the swamp and terrorized a young backwoods family. One of them thrust its arm through a window, swiping at a young girl inside. They scratched the house and even tackled one of the younger boys who investigated outside. The marauders were chased off by the family’s shotgun blasts.
Encounters continued for decades. While many of these sightings involved a hulking black shape shooting across the road, a few accounts were a little more too close for comfort.
One morning in October of 2000, a bowhunter sat quietly in a tree stand as dawn approached. As he waited for the catch-of-the-day to stumble through, something else decided to enter the arena. A “big black figure” appeared in the darkness and approached the hunter. Before he could contemplate what was happening, it reached up to him with a giant, black, gorilla-like hand.
The creature brushed its palm against the man’s razor-sharp broad-head arrow and wallowed in pain. Per the hunter, “It was louder than a car horn and it was at my feet. It scared the crap out of me so I started yelling back. And cussing! It ran off breaking trees and tearing down everything in its path. I sat there 15 minutes until it got daylight and left. I believe that I scared him/her as much as it scared me.”

4. Honobia, Oklahoma

In 2000, a group of Sasquatch terrorized a family living on 30 acres of remote land in southeast Oklahoma. The series of events traumatized the family and reportedly led to the violent death of a Sasquatch.
According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), the activity began when the family planted snow beans all over their 30-acre property. The beans attracted massive amounts of deer. The head of the household, Tim, and his brother Mike would then shoot the deer and store the meat in a shed on the property. Soon, a bold group of Bigfoot-like creatures established semi-permanent residence in the hills outside the property. Everything began small, but quickly escalated. Only one creature at a time would circle the home, but things soon spiraled out of Tim’s control. As the nights passed, the family grew more and more terrified:
“This creature is getting bolder every time it returns. This thing is huge, walks upright, smells like a musky urine, burned hair type odor. He repeatedly comes back in the early morning hours after midnight and harasses them until just before dawn.”
Week after week the invaders grew more aggressive. As Tim reported to the Sasquatch Chronicles radio show, the creatures stole deer meat, threw rocks, pounded the doors, destroyed items in the yard, and scratched windows all while cackling under the moonlight and speaking strange chatter back and forth. After realizing local authorities would not assist and the ‘monsters’ would never relent, they decided to battle back alone.
The saga reached fever pitch when a creature appeared in the window, angrily displayed teeth, and growled at the brothers. Tim and Mike pursued it outside. They reportedly shot and killed the Sasquatch 70 yards from the house. Amazingly, as the men prepared to collect the dead body, another Bigfoot emerged! It picked up the giant corpse, and ran back into the wood-line.
Several shotgun nights took place from then on, but removal of the snow-peas and increased resistance to these monsters ultimately staved them off for good. The events are known now as ‘The Siege at Honobia.”

3. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the most beautiful areas in the entire country. For all that beauty and majesty, there is a dark side to the 800 square mile Blue Ridge Mountain-kingdom.
David Paulides is an investigative journalist and retired, 16-year member of the San Jose police department. Paulides has sent shock waves through the country with his investigations regarding unsolved missing persons cases in the national park system. Perhaps his most chilling tale of vanishing people (and the one that admittedly disturbs Paulides the most), involves a little boy on vacation in the Great Smoky Mountains.
As told to host George Noory on the Coast to Coast AM Radio Show, 6-year-old Dennis Lloyd Martin played with siblings and other children in an area called Spence Field. Their game of hide & seek ended in heartbreak when Dennis did not reappear from behind a bush near the tree-line.
Approximately one hour after the disappearance, a family hiking the river-land below the mountain — unaware of the events — reported hearing “an enormous sickening scream” and witnessed what looked like an upright, bear-like man running up a dense hillside. The “rough-looking man”, as they described it, was actively trying to remain hidden and appeared to be carrying something over its shoulder.
David will not commit to naming Bigfoot as the culprit, but the signs eerily point in that direction. Dennis was never found.

2. Pierce County, Washington

Pierce County, by far, features the most Sasquatch sightings in the United States. With a staggering number of sightings as reported by the BFRO, the area is rich in activity, and compelling activity to boot. Of the 628 reports in the state of Washington, 12% (76) come from Pierce County. And of those 76 overall reports, 31 of them are considered Class A encounter by the BFRO. This designation means that the sightings are clear and involve “circumstances where misinterpretation or misidentification of other animals can be ruled out with greater confidence.”
If you’d like a honest-to-goodness Bigfoot encounter before you die, we would recommend you shoot over to Pierce County. Here’s just a small sample of the amazing, yet frightening activity:
Class A Encounter: Two experienced big game hunters were forced to bushwhack through some overgrowth onto a remote logging road to make it back to their truck before nightfall. As the men walked down the road with their .22 rifles, they both observed a tall, black figure on two legs standing near the tree-line, watching them. The men, two avid outdoorsmen who had hunted bear for decades in that same area, were “100% sure this was a Bigfoot” and that it looked just the creature from the Patterson-Gimlin film.
Class A Encounter: Four friends were hiking near Eatonville Waterfalls one afternoon. Suddenly, they all smelled a wet, musty, dog-like odor. They turned a corner around one of the waterfalls and discovered a large, black creature crouching down and drinking water from the river about sixty feet away. One of them yelped at the creature. It turned and stared at them for roughly a minute and darted into the trees. They all witnessed this being, describing it in great detail:
– Long, straight black fur with rusty red tips
– A wide face like an orangutan
– Cone-shaped head
– Massive hands
– At least 6-foot-4
Perhaps most incredibly, one of the witnesses was a 300 pound body builder. By comparison, he admitted this thing was at least 200 pounds larger than him with enormous shoulders and overall build.

1. Keatchie Bayous, Louisiana

Mike Wooley’s Bigfoot encounter is a terrifying reminder that these beings could be deep in the wilderness, and bring you great harm.
In 1981, Mike was 25 years old, living near Shreveport. He regularly hunted deer miles into the bayou. On this occasion, Mike ventured down a logging road, into the thicket, and positioned himself upon a 10-foot-tall tree stand. It wasn’t long before Mike noticed bizarre deer activity. Soon, he discovered why.
An 8-foot-tall gorilla-looking creature appeared in his peripheral vision and hopped behind a tree 20 yards away. Assuming it was just a prank, Mike began screaming at the moronic ‘joker’ to leave the hunting grounds immediately. As Mike stood off with the creature for about fifteen minutes, the details added up: the eyelashes, the square teeth, the cold breath, and the shiny hair. He realized that this was real. He readied his rifle, looked through the scope and watched its eyes. Dread washed over him:
“I got to noticin’ its eyes. It’s eyes were real evil, real sinister looking. You know, the look it was giving me. And I was thinkin’ ‘How can a human do that?'”
The creature roared and emitted a sharp whistle. A response whistle sounded from the east. Movement rang through the brush. Another creature was near. Mike took off running. The monsters pursued him through the thicket.
Somehow, he made it to his truck and fired a warning shot to stave the beasts off. It worked. When he drove off, he finally saw the other creature in his rear-view mirror. He was being hunted.
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